Cyberus Labs announced the best cybersecurity startup at Impact Fintech’17
Published December 12, 2017
Cyberus Labs wins the Best Cybersecurity Startup Pitch at Impact Fintech 2017 in Katowice, Poland. Marek Ostafil Cyberus Labs COO presented Cyberus Key, a universal and disruptive “one-click” secure user login for financial services, eCommerce and IoT sectors. Impact Fintech is the biggest international fintech dedicated event in CEE. Over 150 speakers from all over the
Tworzymy system cyberbezpieczeństwa Polski
Published April 10, 2017
6 kwietnia 2017 roku to ważna dla Cyberus Labs data. W tym dniu miało miejsce II Forum Cyberbezpieczeństwa – CYBERSEC PL. Dyrektor generalny Cyberus Labs – George Slawek był jednym z panelistów dyskusji na temat polskiego rynku cyberbezpieczeństwa w perspektywie innowacji. CYBERSEC PL jest ważnym wydarzeniem dla całego kraju, ponieważ dotyka istotnych kwestii związanych z bezpieczeństwem cybernetycznym Polski. Dodatkowo
From Krakow to Prague
Published March 29, 2017
CyberCentral Conference in Prague invite us to take part in the TechZone & Startups area. It is high level summit with cybersecurity experts from whole Europe and particularly focused on CEE region. Engagement, sharing knowledge and developing solutions sets out the specifics of this conference. Marek Ostafil – COO Cyberus Labs is going to present in 3 minutes our solution
Are we really safe?
Published March 24, 2017
Ubiquity, usability, and ease of use – this is what we expect from various online services and mobile apps providers today. Numerous spheres of our everyday life are increasingly being moved to cyberspace. It is almost a parallel reality in which 50% of population already lives their lives. Similarly, mobile technology development has made us
Cyberus Labs about cybersecurity at Washington, DC
Published March 10, 2017
We are honored to inform that Cyberus Labs had been invited to take a part in the official delegation of the Government of Poland to USA to talk about cooperation between Poland and the US in the field of cyber security. Our startup was chosen as one of two which was invited for this event.
Warm welcom at Mobile World Congress
Published March 6, 2017
The Cyberus Labs team had four intense and fruitful days exhibiting CYBERUS KEY at World Mobile Congress/4YFN, the world’s largest mobile conference with over 100,000 visitors in Barcelona. George Slawek, CEO presented Cyberus Labs by pitching to an audience of almost 1,000 industry executives, press and investors. “Ladies and Gentlemen” – he started the presentation. “The password
Our huge SUCCESS
Published February 24, 2017
We present our revolutionary password-less login authentication and secure network transactions solution – CYBERUS KEY, during the world’s largest mobile industry event in Barcelona – WORLD MOBILE CONGRESS. CYBERUS KEY was chosen by SBC Barcelona to present at the Congress, from among thousands of startups from all over the world, because of its revolutionary and universal
Premiere Issue of the “European Cybersecurity Market”
Published February 3, 2017
We are pleased to present you with the very first issue of the European Cybersecurity Market (ECM), a quarterly journal published by the Kosciuszko Institute as part of the CYBERSEC HUB initiative. One of the initial project run by the platform is CYBERSEC ACCELERATOR which helps ICT and cybersecurity startups and SMEs from Małopolska to
Sprawdź jakie informacje udostępniasz
Published January 30, 2017
Dane na temat naszego zachowania w sieci, preferencje zakupowe czy ilość wydawanych środków na produkty i usługi to niezwykle atrakcyjne informacje dla biznesu. Korzystając z wielu aplikacji narażamy się na przekazywanie danych o nas samych korporacjom i mniejszym firmom. Nie można jednak całkowicie odciąć się od nowoczesnych rozwiązań. W związku z Dniem Ochrony Danych Osobowych (28
CYBERUS KEY wyróżnione w czasie impact’16 fintech/insurtech
Published January 4, 2017
Koniec roku 2016 był dla Cyberus Labs bardzo intensywny, a 2017 będzie nawet bardziej aktywny. Zdecydowanie nas to cieszy, zwłaszcza, że zostaliśmy wybrani spośród wielu startupów i zaproszeni do przeprowadzenia prezentacji CYBERUS KEY podczas impact’16 we Wrocławiu. To duże wyróżnienie. Wydarzenie było w całości poświęcone branży fintech oraz insurtech. Pojawiło się wiele osobistości związanych z bankowością, usługami